Legal Consultancy & Court
International Businesses and Private


Akiko Nagasawa advises on cross-border transactions, dealing with the various legal issues that companies face in establishing and managing subsidiaries. Mandatary in real estate transactions, she is authorized to negotiate real estate and business transactions. She also advises in the areas of private international law, the protection of intellectual property rights and art law, based on the experience acquired in Paris-based IP firms and an auction house. She handles litigation before French courts.

Academic Background

  • University of Tokyo (LL.B)

  • University of Paris II (BA, LL.M)

  • University of Paris XI (C.R.F.P.A.)

  • Professional attorney’s Training Center of Versailles (C.A.P.A.)

Practice Areas

  • Commercial and business law

  • Real estate and construction

  • Labor law

  • IP, Art law

  • International private law


  • French
  • English
  • Japanese


  • Pratical Guide to French Law (Keiso Shobo Publishing, ISBN : 978-4-326-40275-5]

  • Comparateive law study on the liability of Internet providers (France and EU) (JPO), 2021

  • Foreign Law Courier, France (Juriste, Yuhikaku Publishing), 2014

  • Law & Technology No.65, “Fixed book and e-book price and ‘Anti-Amazon’ Law in France” (Minjiho Kenkyukai), October 2014

  • Nikkei BP IP Awaness (Nikkei Business Publishing), articles on “IP Strategy in France”

  • A comparative law study on the actions for patent infringement (France) (JPO / IIP), 2011

  • “French women – Japanese Women (News Digest France), 2015-2016